A straightforward solution to the annoying health problems that have been nagging you for years

Did you know that food allergies can be at the root of dozens of common chronic health problems including fatigue, skin issues, joint pain, brain fog, and digestive problems?

Neither did I.

In my mid 20s I was plagued by many of the symptoms above, the most troubling being persistent skin issues (eczema and acne) and terrible brain related symptoms (brain fog and mood skins). I wrote it off to stress, and tried to take more time to relax. But rather than getting better, the symptoms got worse. I ended up having to use OTC topical steroids for my eczema, oral antibiotics for my acne, and anti-anxiety medications for my mood. The medications helped a bit, but the effects didn’t last. Looking back, I’m 100% certain that the medications put an additional stress on my body and made my symptoms worse.

It wasn’t until I started nutrition school and learned about the far reaching impacts of food allergies that I decided to try an elimination diet. By eliminating the 5 major inflammatory food groups and the strategically adding them back in I learned exactly what my food triggers are.

Now I know what to eat and what to avoid to feel my best all the time without taking ANY medication. 

I’m forever grateful for this knowledge - if I didn’t know my triggers I’d still be in daily pain, dealing with embarrassing acne, taking multiple medications.

That’s why I created

Essential Nutrition

A food allergy elimination diet and group course.

This class covers the essentials - everything you need to know to take control of your food allergies - in a supportive group context with an expert instructor by your side the whole time. 

What can you expect to get out of this course?

A clear understanding of what food allergies are and how they form
Straightforward steps to take to figure out your individual triggers
A supportive group of like-minded students and an expert instructor to guide your progress
The knowledge you need to minimize symptoms and feel your best on a daily basis
Confidence that you can handle your food allergies 

Taking the class on nutrition was an eye opener. Such a thorough dive into what and how we eat. Nicole has a wealth of information to share.
— Lisa A.

Essential Nutrition is a small group class designed to maximize individual support and attention. Students receive ongoing access to a digital portal with all lessons and course materials. Lessons are delivered digitally between class meetings, class time is used for deeper exploration, strategy, and personal development.

6-Week Curriculum

Module 2: The Magic of Digestion

  • Lesson

    • The importance of digestion

    • When digestion goes wrong

    • The truth about PPIs

    • Supporting digestion with food, lifestyle, and supplementation

  • Resources

    • Digestive symptom inventory, before and after

    • The chewing challenge

    • Therapeutic foods for digestion

Module 1: Preparation and motivation

  • Lesson

    • Finding your why - solidify your motivation to seek better health

    • Evolution of the modern diet - understand the dangers of ultra-processed modern food

    • Creating the perfect plate - learn to create balanced meals that support health

  • Resources

    • Elimination diet shopping list and food allergen lists

    • The perfect plate template

    • Cooking with fat guide

    • Local and online shopping resources guide

Module 4: Blood Sugar Regulation

  • Lesson

    • What is blood sugar and why is it important

    • The anatomy of blood sugar regulation

    • Becoming a fat burner

    • Supporting a healthy blood sugar response with food, lifestyle, and supplementation

  • Resources

    • Blood sugar control food pairings

    • Dietary fine tuning mini-quiz

    • Names of refined sugar inventory

    • Therapeutic foods for blood sugar regulation

Module 3: All about stress

  • Lesson

    • What is the stress response?

    • The impact of chronic stress on the body

    • Supporting a healthy stress response with food, lifestyle, and supplementation

  • Resources

    • The beaker of stress

    • Addressing stress worksheet

    • Self-care activity inventory

Module 6: Bio-individual You

  • Lesson

    • Troubleshooting your food reintroductions

    • Always, maybe, no, and never foods

    • Handling a relapse

  • Resources

    • Food and mood journal 

    • Sleep tips guide

    • Environmental assessment

Module 5: The Immune System

  • Lesson

    • Immune system basics

    • Leaky gut/Intestinal hyper-permeability

    • Autoimmunity 

    • Supporting the immune system with food, lifestyle, and supplementation

  • Resources

    • Common symptoms of hidden food reactions

    • Therapeutic foods for the immune system

    • Pulse testing for food sensitivities

    • Food reintroduction instructions

I recently took The Essential Nutrition Course with Nicole Ceil, and I want to express how grateful I am that I did! The elimination diet and the information presented has truly enabled me to get a handle on my diet and understand how important what I eat is to my overall well-being. The resources in our course workbook have become indispensable. I am constantly referring to them and use them to refine my diet and lifestyle. If I start to feel off, or my healthy eating has lapsed a bit, I am able to go back to what Nicole taught us and easily get back on track. This course is a gift that keeps on giving!! I highly recommend The Essential Nutrition Course. Thank you Nicole!!
— Deb C.


Solo Student - find your friends in class
$350 per student
Accountabili-buddies - register with a friend, partner, family member
$300 per student ($50 savings!)
Private or corporate groups - bring the class to your workplace or home
$2500 for up to 10 students, $150 per additional student thereafter

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is an elimination diet?
A: An elimination diet it the deliberate removal of common dietary allergens for a set period of time followed by the strategic reintroduction of the foods while observing for symptoms.

Q: How long do we follow the elimination diet in Essential Nutrition
A: 21 days

Q: Is this a weight loss diet?
A: No, this diet is not designed to restrict calories or promote weight loss. It is designed to remove inflammatory foods that cause health symptoms and replace them with healthy whole foods. For this reason, some students do lose weight during the course.

Q: Do I have to take supplements or buy a special protein shake?
A: No! This class teaches you how to eat healthy whole foods that support optimal body function. You will not be using meal replacements or supplement packages. The class includes instruction on using gentle supplementation to support specific body systems but you are encouraged to consult with the instructor before using any supplements.

Q: Will this class help me “get off” my medications.
A: This class helps you reduce diet related inflammation and support your body with a whole foods diet. As your instructor and a Functional Nutritional Therapy practitioner I am not able to give advice regarding medication. It should be noted however, that when body function normalizes medication needs may change. This is something you should consult your doctor about.

Do you have additional questions about the course? Feel free to submit them here!